So here is the webpage exported as a readable pdf. If you read the patent, you can see that its ONLY talking about merging biometric data w/ data acquired by other means (e.g. video, audio, IF, whatever). That may indeed be BAD. However, there is no overt (nor covert) allusions to anything resembling CV19. The webpage is deceptive bc it shows “like CV19” in the screenshot and then appears to attribute that page to 2015, whereas the actual 2015 reference is for the patent. This source is either compromised (likely disinfo/cointelpro) or simply being used
However there is NO doubt in my mind that this kind of tech, where your phone spies on you, correlates your biometric data, and then uploads it secretly to a monitor to basically assess your “health” and then dispatches stay at home orders, CC cancellations, frozen bank accounts etc if you violate…IS real and WAS intended for something just like covid. So yes, I think they knew, they were setting up the system long before the deployment. However, this is not direct evidence of that knowledge. Its the smoke. No gun.
from an MD friend:
Atomic Bombshell PDF