We got fucked for once, Draghi has been brought in by Renzi (he made the technical gov fall taking away the majority ), Draghi is one of the killers that helped with EURO and designed / administered the BCE for a while, no need to go in deeper details, but he got there to asset the final hit and sell out the few national stuffs left in honour of the economy that has to be saved, plus almost surely will sign the MES ( European Stability Mechanism - ESM in EN ) so that even legally we won't have a government anymore and that last bit of sovereignty will be gone as with the MES is EU/BCE to decide for your citizens faith as you, country, asked them to help you cause you were to fucked up economically (just the legal way an excuses they have but you know, everything is a deal between them, mainly DE, NL, FR )
We got fucked for once, Draghi has been brought in by Renzi (he made the technical gov fall taking away the majority ), Draghi is one of the killers that helped with EURO and designed / administered the BCE for a while, no need to go in deeper details, but he got there to asset the final hit and sell out the few national stuffs left in honour of the economy that has to be saved, plus almost surely will sign the MES ( European Stability Mechanism - ESM in EN ) so that even legally we won't have a government anymore and that last bit of sovereignty will be gone as with the MES is EU/BCE to decide for your citizens faith as you, country, asked them to help you cause you were to fucked up economically (just the legal way an excuses they have but you know, everything is a deal between them, mainly DE, NL, FR )
Draghi is NOT on our side. And not on Italian. either. The article you point to is libtard, take it with a huge grain of salt.
Draghi is one of the major reasons Italy is in the shitter.