I am cautious about George. I have been following along and I see some great anecdotal stuff. At the same time, I have only seen enough to convince that it is someone with access. It does not indicate if they are not cabal disinfo.
The cabal would love to build an audience within followers of Q, get a bunch of people really pumped up and then do or suggest something terrible. The dream false flag opp for them would be for Pedes to get all excited about a source, discussing and praising it for great snapshots on GA, then he calls people to some public event, then a false flag happens and there we are, banners and all! In the background will be some cartoon character looking shirtless vikings and idiots with shofars.
The "Hello George" thing is the only reason I'm hedging. It really does align neatly with that. Anyway, all the Georgites can down-doot me, but I'm suggesting caution.
The "Hello George" thing really is pretty compelling, however. I am digging in and continue with caution, but I'm quite intrigued!
If they had been following Q then that name would be easy to come up with. I’m intrigued as well but they keep pimping out clothes etc so that’s why I’m so wary.