These are not children, and being gay is very natural. Only ignorant people still object.
Closet homosexuals is why we have problems today. What is not natural are the never ending fundamentalists who believe that men and women who wrote ancient books were infallible. Let alone the mytholgy stories predating your "Jesus". (Sheeple)
The ego of the hetrosexual is the problem. You are not Gods gift to this planet.
And, you will never reach your "heaven" with the undeniable hatred, bigotry and superiority complexes so many of you have.
Namaste, Shalom, Peace be with you, and better luck in your next reincarnation. Wisdom has not graced you yet.
I've got nothing wrong with gays being portrayed positively in media, what gets annoying is when it gets an unbalanced amount of attention compared to how common it is in reality and especially annoying when the straight characters are portrayed negatively for no damn reason other than to push an agenda. Stop trying to push it on people who don't have an interest in it, if they're interest well they'll go seek it out anyway.
It annoys me just like the other agenda that you must be a racist if you prefer partners of your own or certain other ethnicities. Well if you're going to insist that being straight or gay is a genetic thing rather than a choice then you don't get to claim that I must be racist if I don't get aroused by most black women the same way I do from whites or latinas or some asians, how can you say that's not genetic predisposition as well?
Sorry, but the vast majority of television is harnessed for heteros, black, brown, yellow white. Those who project issues have issues. Hence, you have underlying homosexual tendicies which you despise and cannot confront. I suspect its more of an intimacy issue than anything else. Two men trigger your underlying need for a male bond.
These are not children, and being gay is very natural. Only ignorant people still object.
Closet homosexuals is why we have problems today. What is not natural are the never ending fundamentalists who believe that men and women who wrote ancient books were infallible. Let alone the mytholgy stories predating your "Jesus". (Sheeple)
The ego of the hetrosexual is the problem. You are not Gods gift to this planet.
And, you will never reach your "heaven" with the undeniable hatred, bigotry and superiority complexes so many of you have.
Namaste, Shalom, Peace be with you, and better luck in your next reincarnation. Wisdom has not graced you yet.
I've got nothing wrong with gays being portrayed positively in media, what gets annoying is when it gets an unbalanced amount of attention compared to how common it is in reality and especially annoying when the straight characters are portrayed negatively for no damn reason other than to push an agenda. Stop trying to push it on people who don't have an interest in it, if they're interest well they'll go seek it out anyway.
It annoys me just like the other agenda that you must be a racist if you prefer partners of your own or certain other ethnicities. Well if you're going to insist that being straight or gay is a genetic thing rather than a choice then you don't get to claim that I must be racist if I don't get aroused by most black women the same way I do from whites or latinas or some asians, how can you say that's not genetic predisposition as well?
Sorry, but the vast majority of television is harnessed for heteros, black, brown, yellow white. Those who project issues have issues. Hence, you have underlying homosexual tendicies which you despise and cannot confront. I suspect its more of an intimacy issue than anything else. Two men trigger your underlying need for a male bond.