We have to distinguish law from mandate-if it is a law, speak of the state legislature that passed that law for the governor to sign; failing that, what are the various EOs the governor signed that mandated mask wearing. As a veteran, I am always on the lookout for illegal and unreasonable 'orders'..
Since the mandates arise from spurious health sources (each source pleasing to each of the damned dem governors) what we are permitting is submission (islam) to a big boss. Not actual sane health practices at all.
Yeah its still the law
We have to distinguish law from mandate-if it is a law, speak of the state legislature that passed that law for the governor to sign; failing that, what are the various EOs the governor signed that mandated mask wearing. As a veteran, I am always on the lookout for illegal and unreasonable 'orders'.. Since the mandates arise from spurious health sources (each source pleasing to each of the damned dem governors) what we are permitting is submission (islam) to a big boss. Not actual sane health practices at all.