with the mother they often say their child was fine and the same day or within a day or 2 their child all of a sudden couldn't walk anymore, couldn't talk anymore, looked like a zombie with no awareness, assuming they didn't die which does happen to some. a mother is very in tune with this. how could we argue that the mother didn't notice the change? and how do mothers have the same story which they often don't realize because the media silences these stories to protect big pharma and others who have a massive financial and theological stake in it.
and then we still haven't answered why would reputable doctors and nurses and the like make these claims and hold these beliefs? it all but guarantees they'll be treated as a pariah in their industry.
if you search for videos of Robert Kennedy and also search bitchute for "Vaxxed" and "Vaxxed II" movies it will open some doors. if and when you start to believe that vaccines cause harm you should start wondering who is really behind this and what's the objective. it's not just about money and greed, but instead the money is secondary and purposeful to keep the objective theology snowball rolling
the injuries are real. they aren't always people i know personally but i do have lots of cousins and there's at least one whose son she is certain got harmed by a vaccine and i have friends that didn't listen to me about vaccines when their kids were born and now they're noticing developmental issues with their kids while mine have been perfectly healthy. if you watch the movies you'll see many actually families and you'll see families that had their first child or children vaccinated and then with future kids didn't allow them to be vaccinated at all. the differences in the health and natural immune system between the kids is stark and undeniable
and people will get vaccinated and not have or at least show any harmful effects otherwise everyone would wise up and refuse vaccines. a lot of harms we don't see or realize. I've been vaccinated although not with the crazy schedule they push on kids these days and i have had problems that I'd now link to vaccines. i almost died of an ear infection when i was about 2 and i have other conditions we might take as normal but they're not
if you have an open mind do yourself a favor and watch the vaxxed movies and watch some Robert Kennedy videos. his voice affliction can be tough to listen to but he's a very knowledgeable man on these topics
why are you on third site honestly, not being wise,if you aren't often minded and aware reality is much different than we've been taught. watch vaxxed and listen to the experts and real life cases, don't listen to me. if you choose to not watch this video or at least videos with Robert Kennedy you are being willfully ignorant in my opinion.
can't always lead a horse to water. majority of vaccines are harmful that much im as certain as i can be about any such topic. and i wasn't referring to covid vaccine when talking about my cousin
with the mother they often say their child was fine and the same day or within a day or 2 their child all of a sudden couldn't walk anymore, couldn't talk anymore, looked like a zombie with no awareness, assuming they didn't die which does happen to some. a mother is very in tune with this. how could we argue that the mother didn't notice the change? and how do mothers have the same story which they often don't realize because the media silences these stories to protect big pharma and others who have a massive financial and theological stake in it.
and then we still haven't answered why would reputable doctors and nurses and the like make these claims and hold these beliefs? it all but guarantees they'll be treated as a pariah in their industry.
if you search for videos of Robert Kennedy and also search bitchute for "Vaxxed" and "Vaxxed II" movies it will open some doors. if and when you start to believe that vaccines cause harm you should start wondering who is really behind this and what's the objective. it's not just about money and greed, but instead the money is secondary and purposeful to keep the objective theology snowball rolling
the injuries are real. they aren't always people i know personally but i do have lots of cousins and there's at least one whose son she is certain got harmed by a vaccine and i have friends that didn't listen to me about vaccines when their kids were born and now they're noticing developmental issues with their kids while mine have been perfectly healthy. if you watch the movies you'll see many actually families and you'll see families that had their first child or children vaccinated and then with future kids didn't allow them to be vaccinated at all. the differences in the health and natural immune system between the kids is stark and undeniable
and people will get vaccinated and not have or at least show any harmful effects otherwise everyone would wise up and refuse vaccines. a lot of harms we don't see or realize. I've been vaccinated although not with the crazy schedule they push on kids these days and i have had problems that I'd now link to vaccines. i almost died of an ear infection when i was about 2 and i have other conditions we might take as normal but they're not
if you have an open mind do yourself a favor and watch the vaxxed movies and watch some Robert Kennedy videos. his voice affliction can be tough to listen to but he's a very knowledgeable man on these topics
why are you on third site honestly, not being wise,if you aren't often minded and aware reality is much different than we've been taught. watch vaxxed and listen to the experts and real life cases, don't listen to me. if you choose to not watch this video or at least videos with Robert Kennedy you are being willfully ignorant in my opinion.
can't always lead a horse to water. majority of vaccines are harmful that much im as certain as i can be about any such topic. and i wasn't referring to covid vaccine when talking about my cousin
best of luck