Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
The barometer I like to use is how close to the actual event date is the movie made. The time lapse between real event and wide release big production is the best indication the event being depicted is complete horseshit. Flight 93 and the other one came out five years after it happened. That movie went into production 2-3 years after 9/11 happened ...