The True Reason For Masks posted 4 hours ago by BeThePatriarchy +12 / -0 Power. The government wants to grow in power by having control over the people’s actions.
“But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.” -George Orwell, 1984
The point of the government not just recommending masks but particularly making them mandatory is fundamentally to test their power and see if they can bully the citizens into being complicit, whether they like it or not. It doesn’t matter if you wear the mask, but secretly still think it’s stupid; the point is they’ve successfully stomped you down into physical compliance; and psychologically established a power-relationship over you. It sets a precedent: You now have to do what I say, no matter what, but also PRECISELY for when you disagree. It’s like in prison those power games you hear about.
A cell mate enters his cell and meets a dude already there. “You are now my bitch. Clean my shoes. Twice. And a third time. How ‘bout a fourth time.” That prison dude doesn’t care about having clean shoes; no more does the government care about your health.
It’s about power. And the thing is; the more you comply, the more your OWN psychology actually changes and you BECOME weaker. Our actions not only define but also mould us. If I spend every day for a year acting like a pussy; having shrugged shoulders, never looking anyone in the eye, being a pushover at work; no matter the initial reason; even if it’s just as a social experiment, You will come out feeling like a pussy too. This is psychologically proven. It’s why people say to stand up straight with your shoulders back. Actions set the path for your mentality. Actions are where it counts.
Another example is how the Christian disciples in Ancient Rome were commanded to renounce their faith or worship whatever king/pagan god, or else face death in the coliseum. The tyrant in that situation is aware of course that the Christian’s “renouncing” of their faith, or “worship” of the pagan Gods is going to be anything but genuine, but rather done entirely out of fear. But that’s the point. “I can make you do it anyway.” Power is never about the specifics of the scenario; it’s purely about the getting you to do what they want specifically in CONTRAST of your own will. That’s what the mandatory masks are. It sets the tone for the government to dominate you and grow in power.
Everything else; the fact that masks dehumanize people, cause distrust and division between civilians, (such as with neighbor's calling the police on each other), the fact that this all leads to a society that is deprived and depressed and socially vulnerable; these are all notable side-bonuses; useful tools aiding the effort of making the masses easier to control. But the whole thing is fundamentally about power. The government just wants more power.
And What else is new, historically speaking? So the question is: are you going to let them make you their bitch?
Or will you stand up instead, go unmasked everywhere, refuse the vaccine, speak out against the lockdowns, and be an inspiration to your fellow countrymen at this time when it is precisely most needed?
I am normally very positive. Today I want to fight and destroy them all. I would rather have to survive the chaos or perish rather than the slow boil we are experiencing. PRESIDENT Trump, if you guys truly have this shit figured out then you may want to get it finished. Im not interest in a soft correction that lands you back in office. I want a chance to destroy them for their lies. I want the terrorist on the left to see tjey lost and spend their lives in hiding. You have asked us to allow this oppression and to sit on our asses and wait. You ask a lot of any of us who spent our lives defending this nation ready to die for it. So with thanks giving to God I pray for your efforts and wait. But you should know, many of us are almost to the end of our endurance. Your movement will abandon us if we act without you. Fine, none the less our suffering is now on you and not the democrats. Remember that. A faithful follower of freedom and truth. Note, if I am growing weary, imagine those not trained to be patient like many of us were in the military. Also, I've been waiting for this fix since the Clinton administration. So it's been a 30 year exercise in patience, not four. We anxiously await your response.