Whatever religion these elites are practicing, I don't think it's run of the mill Paganism/Wicca. I have moved in a bunch of those circles and it's generally a very very earnest "do no harm" kind of crowd. These elites use totally different symbols and they are into stuff that most pagans/wiccans I know would consider taboo to the max. I think these elites are legit practicing Satanism. (Owl is tied to Minerva/Athena if you follow the religion of the ancient Greeks/Romans, if you follow that religion the owl has a positive connotation. But in different religions, the owl has some super negative connotations like Molloch and Lilith).
Yeah, it for SURE makes sense with Lilith since she was known for stealing and killing children.
Yeah, most Pagans I know don't even believe in Lucifer just like they don't believe in a Christian God who banished Lucifer from heaven. But I get the sense that these elites specifically believe in Lucifer and stand against the Christian God (the inverted crosses, etc).
Correct. Wiccans believe in do no harm as it will come back on them 10 fold. They would not even joke about worshiping demons. Luciferians are a completely different set. They truly worship Satan and all he stands for: deceit, power, and using others to get what they want ie pain death and blood.
Whatever religion these elites are practicing, I don't think it's run of the mill Paganism/Wicca. I have moved in a bunch of those circles and it's generally a very very earnest "do no harm" kind of crowd. These elites use totally different symbols and they are into stuff that most pagans/wiccans I know would consider taboo to the max. I think these elites are legit practicing Satanism. (Owl is tied to Minerva/Athena if you follow the religion of the ancient Greeks/Romans, if you follow that religion the owl has a positive connotation. But in different religions, the owl has some super negative connotations like Molloch and Lilith).
Yeah, it for SURE makes sense with Lilith since she was known for stealing and killing children.
Yeah, most Pagans I know don't even believe in Lucifer just like they don't believe in a Christian God who banished Lucifer from heaven. But I get the sense that these elites specifically believe in Lucifer and stand against the Christian God (the inverted crosses, etc).
Correct. Wiccans believe in do no harm as it will come back on them 10 fold. They would not even joke about worshiping demons. Luciferians are a completely different set. They truly worship Satan and all he stands for: deceit, power, and using others to get what they want ie pain death and blood.