OHIO - FINALLY!!! House Bill 62 - Designate Ohio a Second Amendment Sanctuary State
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We went from having rights that are universal throughout this nation and that every American citizen enjoys, to now where you have to find sanctuary from your own federal gov't.
Next up is succession. Like minded states will succeed and form a new nation.
Ugh, I really wish people would wake up to the fact that this not a good idea.
We will NOT surrender ANY of our land and resources to these Evil fucks that don't deserve to stay in possession of ANYTHING.
We're not surrendering our country and fellow Americans over to commies, not even a small part of it.
It's not surrendering our nation to commies. It's claiming the land that we already have and preserving the constitution.
I hate the idea of secession too but there eventually comes a time for it.
It's going "Okay commies, you can keep that land you stole from us, we're going to go stay over here like good little kids and leave you to rule over that which you stole."
We do those things by sticking together as a country and claiming ALL of our land and resources, AND the constitution. By splitting apart if anything you're only making it easier on the DS. They'll finish consolidating their power there before they come after the new smaller nation of those who ran away from the first fight.
We either stick this out together, or live in shame in our "new nation" for a short time before we're infiltrated and subverted again anyway, only now with less power to fight against them.