Rush will be missed. I remember listening to him and his most profound advice, was back in the 90's, when Bill was smoking cigars in the oval orifice. The country was heading into a recession and that is all you heard on the news, back when the news actually did some investigative reporting. My wife and I barely had two nickels to rub together and always worried about food for us, or food for our dogs. A caller was lamenting about how bad the economy was. Rush said the most profound thing that I have followed since that day. He told the caller to just not participate in the recession. If you are employed, just don't participate. It is a mindset, there is always a job if you are willing to do it. Just get out do it, pull yourself up, get on your feet and don't look back. He then spoke about his determination. Sometimes, to wake up, you need to have your foundation shaken.
Anyway, I am sad for the loss of IMO our biggest voice, our loveable little fuzzball. Just think where we would be if didn't have half his brain tied behind his back. Mourn, say your good byes, and remember, we still have a country to save.
Rush will be missed. I remember listening to him and his most profound advice, was back in the 90's, when Bill was smoking cigars in the oval orifice. The country was heading into a recession and that is all you heard on the news, back when the news actually did some investigative reporting. My wife and I barely had two nickels to rub together and always worried about food for us, or food for our dogs. A caller was lamenting about how bad the economy was. Rush said the most profound thing that I have followed since that day. He told the caller to just not participate in the recession. If you are employed, just don't participate. It is a mindset, there is always a job if you are willing to do it. Just get out do it, pull yourself up, get on your feet and don't look back. He then spoke about his determination. Sometimes, to wake up, you need to have your foundation shaken.
Anyway, I am sad for the loss of IMO our biggest voice, our loveable little fuzzball. Just think where we would be if didn't have half his brain tied behind his back. Mourn, say your good byes, and remember, we still have a country to save.