Apparently the NG is still in DC thanks to "threats from Qanon supporters" ?
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To paraphrase Tucker Carlson last night, this is what all dictators do; surround themselves with their Pretorian Guards to protect them from their subjects.
They know that We, The People know how corrupt they are and that they brazenly stole the U.S. Presidency, so they think that surrounding themselves with armed soldiers and a fence will keep us away. It should not be ANY surprise that they are so anxious to restrict and ultimately remove our Second Amendment rights. Because that is what differentiates us from all other dictatorships. Six thousand National Guard troops (our fellow citizens) don’t stand a chance against hundreds of thousands armed citizens with determination and GOD on our side.
Like everyone here on this beloved forum, I anxiously await a bloodless, military end to this coup well before we citizens have to forcefully take back our country.