Oh it's Ben "my wife is a doctor" "Nikki Haley's my spirit animal" Shapiro. I guess that Neocon Jew grifter is still around. Not being anti-Semitic. Used to listen to him every day and he literally grifts using his background.
I don't listen to him, but he was a great stepping stone on social issues. My apolitical younger brother came to me months or a year ago with the same videos of college campus takedowns and sharp, swift, bullets of logic that left sbarky liberals speechless.
That opened him up to more. When I told him I didn't like Shapiro much, he asked why and it allowed me to open conversations with him that made him realize he's more conservative than he ever realized.
Now he debates his friends on messaging apps and has a clearer picture.
Shapiro is an important stepping stone in opening people's eyes on a few different issues, but hes too caught up in optics and the belief that our system is still working as intended (as in: Biden legitimately won, our elections are secure, no big deep state cabal, etc)
. I am not a HUGE fan of his, but I listen to his podcasts because they do provide lots of decent starting points to start digging for more info. He highlights the craziness and absurdity of the left, which can be translated into memes and factual info to use as redpills. He always gives lots of "compare and contrast" "us vs them" type info- doctored headlines, narrative switches, hypocrisy. I get why people aren't fans, but I disregard his walk on the optic tightrope and find the meat to what he is saying. I think we need to realize that not EVERYONE is going to be as fully on board with everything, and that still doesn't make them the enemy. I find his podcasts more relatable and shareable to my liberal friends because of his softer edges towards liberals..I don't like that he was so quick to denounce any and all election fraud, but he's a decent bridge.. I understand if I go down in downvote flames for this opinion. Still love you all.
Oh it's Ben "my wife is a doctor" "Nikki Haley's my spirit animal" Shapiro. I guess that Neocon Jew grifter is still around. Not being anti-Semitic. Used to listen to him every day and he literally grifts using his background.
I don't listen to him, but he was a great stepping stone on social issues. My apolitical younger brother came to me months or a year ago with the same videos of college campus takedowns and sharp, swift, bullets of logic that left sbarky liberals speechless.
That opened him up to more. When I told him I didn't like Shapiro much, he asked why and it allowed me to open conversations with him that made him realize he's more conservative than he ever realized.
Now he debates his friends on messaging apps and has a clearer picture.
Shapiro is an important stepping stone in opening people's eyes on a few different issues, but hes too caught up in optics and the belief that our system is still working as intended (as in: Biden legitimately won, our elections are secure, no big deep state cabal, etc)
. I am not a HUGE fan of his, but I listen to his podcasts because they do provide lots of decent starting points to start digging for more info. He highlights the craziness and absurdity of the left, which can be translated into memes and factual info to use as redpills. He always gives lots of "compare and contrast" "us vs them" type info- doctored headlines, narrative switches, hypocrisy. I get why people aren't fans, but I disregard his walk on the optic tightrope and find the meat to what he is saying. I think we need to realize that not EVERYONE is going to be as fully on board with everything, and that still doesn't make them the enemy. I find his podcasts more relatable and shareable to my liberal friends because of his softer edges towards liberals..I don't like that he was so quick to denounce any and all election fraud, but he's a decent bridge.. I understand if I go down in downvote flames for this opinion. Still love you all.