Meghan Markle marriage to Prince Harry pre planned? Yeah, probs. Gotta have race wars and all that jazz.
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i'd love to know the true story of these 2... these no way its coincidence they "moved" to USA/Canada right as the Q rumors were hitting about the royal family and prince andrew
I think it's all been coordinated. I think Harry was set up to marry a woman of colour, have the press smear her to high heavens to create the racist narrative and create division, then "escape" to America so the Royal Family could be closer to the political action. At first I thought that they were used as a distraction from the Pedo Prince, which I still think is true, but then they started to talk and have their say about the election and other political garbage which the royal family aren't supposed to do. They still have their titles. Now they're getting a sit down with Oprah. Enough said there lol
Also If there's anyone who I 100% believe in it all it's her dad and sister. They seem to be the truth tellers here.