BREAKING: BIDEN Just Told The Government To TAKE OVER Christianity In America
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If you consider this a battle between good and evil (God and Satan) then this makes perfect sense. Religion is and always has been a control mechanism and this is just taking it to the next level. It emphasizes to me the importance of my own personal relationship with God outside of any church or religion. They call it the Great Awakening for a good reason.
The Bible says you must attend church. But the Bible says nothing of attending a church of you're government's choice.
Vatican isn't your problem, Protestantism and Freemasonry and Kabbalistic Jews are.
The Vatican was infiltrated by these groups some time ago.
The Catholics are the reason you even have a Bible in your hands. Martin Luther and other heretics messed with the Bible and removed parts...down to 66 books. What an interesting number.
It was Martin Luther and the other reformers who wanted the Bible to go to everyone in their own language instead of only being in Latin.