Not a lawyer, just someone who's done a share of research and red-pilling.
Mandates are not Law and cannot be enforced with ONE exception: When a judge orders a mandate against a convicted Felon. That's it. If given by, say, a Governor, that mandate is ONLY applicable to those working for the state, NOT it's citizens; i.e. it would be applicable to any State entitiy relying on State funds to operate.
Also, entities such as the CDC are unlawfully mandating. The CDC is a non-profit and NOT a Federal entity with no power to do anything but offer studies and opinions TO the Federal Govt.
Both of those examples can be found in the Blacks Law Dictionary.
Now, all of the above is a violation of USC18 242 "Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law". I would take the time t read this as ALL the mask wearing, shut downs, etc are felonies under this code.
Not a lawyer, just someone who's done a share of research and red-pilling.
Mandates are not Law and cannot be enforced with ONE exception: When a judge orders a mandate against a convicted Felon. That's it. If given by, say, a Governor, that mandate is ONLY applicable to those working for the state, NOT it's citizens; i.e. it would be applicable to any State entitiy relying on State funds to operate.
Also, entities such as the CDC are unlawfully mandating. The CDC is a non-profit and NOT a Federal entity with no power to do anything but offer studies and opinions TO the Federal Govt.
Both of those examples can be found in the Blacks Law Dictionary.
Now, all of the above is a violation of USC18 242 "Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law". I would take the time t read this as ALL the mask wearing, shut downs, etc are felonies under this code.
So, to summarize your question....Yes.