I eh, I know. I was being facetious.
Do we have that much rope?
So let's fucking go already. The world NEEDS a purge!!!!!!!
She's not going to be there in November.
Women, on the whole, are trend followers who value validation over thinking. So, Yes.
Natural selection.
Same reasons we should ban warning labels on everything and let nature take its course.
Your husband is like my wife. She gives me looks all the time and says I have no filter. I told her I'm the same man you were drawn to when we dated and got married and it's her that's changed, not me. 32 years married now, and I'm still the ornery, don't give a fuck what you think, don't tell me what to do man and always will be.
[p] [r] [a] [y]
No. You're thinking 2-dimensional checkers with Oil.
Oil, in some form, is in everything...not just what relates to energy production.
Plastics, furniture, clothing, cookware, storage, building materials, makeups, etc...the list is truly vast.
It'll take a restructuring, but oil wont go away.
Almost the exact argument I was pitching to friends, both local and across the states, who were asking my opinion yesterday.
Yeh, there's zero chance this happened organically. The layers of security are insanely gone over with a fine-tooth comb before the ok is given and that dude getting to that spot would have been impossible were it not allowed to happen.
Ah, the famous WAAAHmens inability for honest accountability shows once again.
It was indeed the SS fault for not having anyone on that rooftop and made absolutely ZERO sense from a secured perimeter frame of mind. Maybe its just my military training kicking in seeing all the gaps and holes but goddamn that one was a HUGE fail. I mean hell even a 2nd Lt coulda spotted that one...
Read the bottom of the picture--
What I have is knowledge you do not and are apparently scared to dive into due to your programming to rely on only what you've been programmed to believe. The snide is reserved for such NPC's, like yourself, who refuse to even lift a finger to break thier own self-reinforced paradigm.
Much like leftists, any mention of something different spins you off into a desperate and angry twirl to reinforce what you think you know against something that the conventional programming says "doesnt make sense". It's the same mentality that cries "CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy!!" and not lifting a finger to find the truth, or ask "what if?".
This is your glitch. Your fault that prevents you to see beyond and to embrace critical thinking despite what your eyes and ears tell you. It is what allowed the coersive factions to make you believe you had to get Vaxxed, boosted, wear a mask and otherwise act a complete idiot for the common flu. You're a sheep, nothing more, and I cast laughter at you because of it. It's all you deserve.
This willbe my last reply to you, as I have better things to do with my time than talking to a self-important "smart moron" who relies on a percieved pedigree instead of taking the time to research. Have fun in your bubble, while the rest of us keep waking the world.
P.S. I've blocked you so as to stop your inane commentary from shitting up my messages box and further threads, so any reply will not be seen nor cared about.
It is funny. Please keep going because your loose use of "facts and logic" is utterly hilarious at this point.
Desperation is all I see. Keep trying, it's good entertainment.
Still trying, desperately fighting to keep the lid on your paradigm box closed? I didnt read any of that. There's a plethroa of evidence waiting when you decide to peek out, but its not going to be me to help you break out. I gave you that chance.
I'm done. Get over it.
Blah blah, you sound vaxxed...
I was going to pick this apart, cuz there's some seriously retarded commentary...like "If "chemtrails" exist and they are being deployed at 10k-20k feet, then they are simply not contrails and would be essentially invisible."
So I guess you've never seen a crop duster deploy chemicals on crops at 10 feet then.
Comfortably numb/clueless it is then. Be well.
The last part is correct and I should have been more specific; i.e. the higher you go the longer it takes the contrails to disappear...and they do disappear, it just depends on how long it takes but they do not persist, spread out, and form a gloomy haze. No matter anyone's claimed pedigree, whether true or not, I believe what I've seen/not seen during my own lifetime experience.
Yes, B52's will leave a longer contrail but when's the last time you saw Commercial airlines flying at 50k feet? They dont, and is quite a big difference, making it a non-contender for this instance as an "example" to use.
The problem is that the altitude in which the chemtrails are being deployed is no where near that high altitude. In fact, unless it is very cold out, even regular contrails dont even form at lower altitudes, where chemtrails ARE being deployed; i.e. typically 10-20k feet.
Lastly, why is it:
- if "It's only a contrail", why is it that ONLY Commercial mid-sized aircraft seem to have this problem?
- Why do the trails begin and end in certain parts of a flightpath?
- Why arent these low-altitude "contrails (not)" going literally from horizon to horizon? they don't
- Why arent the skies over various heavy flight paths just absolutely cluttered and choked with "contrails"? they aren't
- Why is it, you can look up in the sky and see a plane at MUCH higher altitude leaving a contrail (that dissipates as it passes and does NOT persist) and see a much lower altitude airliner BELOW it, belching out a persistent (chem)trail? (yes I've used optics to verify this many times; i.e. same airframe model)
- Why do we see these (chemtrails) no matter the time of year or temperature outside? It's always the same.
Nah, you need to wake up. You're relying too much on assumed bullshit like I used to do instead of observing what's actually going on. I used to be just like you, almost to a 'T', then so many were talking about it I said fine and really looked into it. It's happening whether you want to believe it or not....just like the COVID BS we tried warning everyone over and now regretting. Your choice: remain comfortable in your belief system, or let your gaurd down to look, really look, into the truth.
Edit: Here's a link to get you started if you wanna break out of that box. By all means, read all of it, it isn't long, but go to page 5 about mid-way. Now why would that be listed (among all those other things) as a covert weapon that Mr Dennis Kucinich, a former Representative in Congress, tried to get passed in a ban?
2 things:
Yes, as a pilot they are instructed (coerced) to not speak of UFO's as it may damage their flying status; a.k.a. getting grounded and removed from flying. Same rules in civilian as military pilots.
Pilots know flying. They dont always know engines/thermodynamics. The whole ice crystalization is 100% BS. You cannot convince me that the exhaust from a jet, reaching temperatures over 1000 degrees Celsius forms ice. Logical fallacy. What it DOES do is superheat the colder altitude air and draws out the water exactly like steam from your breath on a cold morning. Both dissipate as it reaches ambient temps again. Chemtrails never dissipate, but spread out and make weird hazy-grey skies.
Source on both: 24 years Air Force, primary AFSC 2A61A/B (Aircraft engines, all types)
Edit: Not a pilot. Worked with them every day for 24yrs, flew with them, maintained solid engine operation, and (sometimes) fixed their fuckups to keep the plane flying.
He already IS Secretary of Offense. Hell, he's been offending Demorats and Libtards since day one!!!
These people are so fvcking arrogant thinking this shit won't happen to them, even after SO many companies that are still picking splinters out of their asses for it.
Screw TSC.
We literally said ALL this late December 2019 and early 2020 trying to warn people with all the receipts. WTF.