posted ago by PankekGirl ago by PankekGirl +90 / -1

While we are all waiting and eating popcorn and trusting the plan, millions of children are being trafficked and raped all around the world. In all of the time I have spent here I haven't seen a single post about anyone actually doing anything in the real world to combat these things. There are several organizations that are focused on combating and preventing trafficking as well as providing after care assistance for survivors who are rescued. I think we should direct some energy, time, and money to these organizations. Perhaps people could do fundraisers in their local area. Three I know of off the top of my head are The Polaris Project https://polarisproject.org/ O.U.R. https://ourrescue.org/ RAIIN https://www.rainn.org/ Most cities also have rape crisis centers that are always in need of volunteer help and help with fundraising. There is always need for hotline volunteers for phone/text support as well as crisis counselors. I feel like taking what we know about the sick shit these people are doing and actually using our awareness to DO SOMETHING would be of huge benefit to humanity. Just sitting around with this knowledge and spending all our time online waiting to see if someone else has done something is not going to change the world. If we all take actionable steps to do what is within our own personal power, we will see that ripple out into the world at large. Let's get to it! If you know of other organizations please link below, and if you have other ideas of ways we can effect change in real life please share!