Why don't you grow a pair and stop being grubby little selfish henchmen for the elites, realize you're disposable and will have to basically have zero morales and practically worship Satan to get ahead, Quit covering for goddamn pedophiles have some fucking dignity, every one of you who reads this message you're going to have to live with this the rest of your life. You're being fake, personally. It's not just fake news, it's fake individuals like you writing pathetic scripts and articles. Everybody can see through your shit you're just outing yourself as psychopaths or being associated with psychopaths.
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I read this board because I find it interesting to hear what everyone is saying even if I heartily disagree with almost all of it. But I do also work in mental health with teens that are survivors of sex trafficking soooo..
I'm totally supportive of anyone that taking an anti-sex trafficking anti child abuse stance but I wish that some of you would get out of the sidelines and stop waiting for the great awakening and do what you can to help the kids that can be helped now! They're in your communities and they need you! It's not just the victims of rich and powerful that need help and deserve attention!
ASSUMING makes an ASS out of U and ME. Dismount the high horse. Many of us are working in our hometowns.