To be honest with you - Hitler is about the best Red Pill material that exists - especially in regards to waking up NeoCon type Republicans.
I’ve also pulled countless people from the Occupy Wallstreet movement into Q type thinking.
Hitler was %100 funded by Wall Street and London and was Banking at the Vatican. It’s also important to know that the Vatican and Interpol were the ONLY entities that could issue passports.
Operation Paperclip? They want you to think it was 400 - 1500 nazis. Try over 25,000. Also don’t think of it as US Gov getting talent - it was Wall Street STRONG ARMING US GOV into Paper Clip.
These SAME EXACT ASSHOLES THAT CREATED THE CIA AND DEEL STATE were the same guys that funded hitler, got him to power, and then cratered him. It was all their plan.
Hitler wasn’t the start of this shit. Go back to Cecil B Rhodes who is the asshole that made South Africa the hellscape that it is. He figured out how to wage war, made a secret cabal, and came back to literally instigate WW1. That went so well they ran with a bigger plan for WW2. Real history is a big deal folks.
Hitler didn’t chase off the Red Shield ? ( why an emoji exist? ) / Rothschilds. They set him up. He was a bastard son and they promised him this and that and he happily went for it. Why didn’t Hitler slaughter the British at Dunkirk? He was fucking told not to.
Go back and look. General Electric / Ford plants were confidently never bombed by allies ( ordered to leave them alone ).
They set up Prescott Bush as the fall guy for the “Trading with the Enemy Act” and his PR firm turned around and created the USO to win back hearts.
Remember the Nüremberg Trial? John D Rockefeller was lobbying ( as were other bankers ) to get specific Nazis. Rockefeller specifically wanted the Nazis from the SS that ran the Concentration Camps experimenting on Humans for IG Farben. Yes - the concentration camps were fucking franchised out to IG Farben and other groups to run. They wanted to expedite research, and did, much of which evolved into PROJECT ARTICHOKE / MK ALPHA / MK ULTRA / MK BRAVO / MK DELTA / PROJECT MONARCH etc.
Rockefeller wanted to change medicine in the US using these Nazis to created mindless masses of people that could have their health monetized, cures removed, and treatments put in place.
Like I said - this is massive read pill material.
Anyway I can thread on many of the things here and have.
To be honest with you - Hitler is about the best Red Pill material that exists - especially in regards to waking up NeoCon type Republicans.
I’ve also pulled countless people from the Occupy Wallstreet movement into Q type thinking.
Hitler was %100 funded by Wall Street and London and was Banking at the Vatican. It’s also important to know that the Vatican and Interpol were the ONLY entities that could issue passports.
Operation Paperclip? They want you to think it was 400 - 1500 nazis. Try over 25,000. Also don’t think of it as US Gov getting talent - it was Wall Street STRONG ARMING US GOV into Paper Clip.
These SAME EXACT ASSHOLES THAT CREATED THE CIA AND DEEL STATE were the same guys that funded hitler, got him to power, and then cratered him. It was all their plan.
Hitler wasn’t the start of this shit. Go back to Cecil B Rhodes who is the asshole that made South Africa the hellscape that it is. He figured out how to wage war, made a secret cabal, and came back to literally instigate WW1. That went so well they ran with a bigger plan for WW2. Real history is a big deal folks.
Hitler didn’t chase off the Red Shield ? ( why an emoji exist? ) / Rothschilds. They set him up. He was a bastard son and they promised him this and that and he happily went for it. Why didn’t Hitler slaughter the British at Dunkirk? He was fucking told not to.
Go back and look. General Electric / Ford plants were confidently never bombed by allies ( ordered to leave them alone ).
They set up Prescott Bush as the fall guy for the “Trading with the Enemy Act” and his PR firm turned around and created the USO to win back hearts.
Remember the Nüremberg Trial? John D Rockefeller was lobbying ( as were other bankers ) to get specific Nazis. Rockefeller specifically wanted the Nazis from the SS that ran the Concentration Camps experimenting on Humans for IG Farben. Yes - the concentration camps were fucking franchised out to IG Farben and other groups to run. They wanted to expedite research, and did, much of which evolved into PROJECT ARTICHOKE / MK ALPHA / MK ULTRA / MK BRAVO / MK DELTA / PROJECT MONARCH etc.
Rockefeller wanted to change medicine in the US using these Nazis to created mindless masses of people that could have their health monetized, cures removed, and treatments put in place.
Like I said - this is massive read pill material.
Anyway I can thread on many of the things here and have.
Such an underrated comment
Thank you.
I seem to be in a struggle on this site of “too much word” and “can’t read”
I hate video commentary, but an unfortunate many are used to being spoonfed opinions via video.
Hopefully after the education and entertainment systems are fixed that trend will return to favoring text