Gotchu, Makes sense it is on the clear web anyway not exactly hidden. I just saw a bunch of like “:::::::::::8161:::::,,,,^|><{“ and was like of fuck is this some time of hidden message. Lmao.
Definitely, I know a lot of times encryptions and codes like PGP maybe can look like that and I am learning now but I know there are much smarter people then me who can hide messages inside of pictures and all types of crazy shit was doing some digging on something else and this came up and figured maybe I had stumbled upon some keyword that triggered and unlisted page or something.
Interesting, You reckon it could be anything worth decoding or probably just regular old stuff.
Pretty sure it’s just a random picture :) probably related to what they’re talking about in the email thread.
Gotchu, Makes sense it is on the clear web anyway not exactly hidden. I just saw a bunch of like “:::::::::::8161:::::,,,,^|><{“ and was like of fuck is this some time of hidden message. Lmao.
Hahaha yeah. Looks strange to someone who hasn’t seen it before
Definitely, I know a lot of times encryptions and codes like PGP maybe can look like that and I am learning now but I know there are much smarter people then me who can hide messages inside of pictures and all types of crazy shit was doing some digging on something else and this came up and figured maybe I had stumbled upon some keyword that triggered and unlisted page or something.