Plenty of info on this out there. Do some research and you will find answers to your what if’s. Never dismiss anything as impossible, always be skeptical.
I wouldn't rule out weather mod just because it's all over the globe. That wouldn't pass an IQ test. I don't recall which video I saw recently where the radar shows clouds in a STRAIGHT LINE for many miles, and SQUARE corners on cloud formations. Plus, fella said there was 5(?) hours of missing radar. Not saying you're wrong, just considering possibilities.
What if the weather control is real and is global in scope?
Plenty of info on this out there. Do some research and you will find answers to your what if’s. Never dismiss anything as impossible, always be skeptical.
I wouldn't rule out weather mod just because it's all over the globe. That wouldn't pass an IQ test. I don't recall which video I saw recently where the radar shows clouds in a STRAIGHT LINE for many miles, and SQUARE corners on cloud formations. Plus, fella said there was 5(?) hours of missing radar. Not saying you're wrong, just considering possibilities.
The video you describe sounds like the one I watched.
Yes that's the one, thanks anon!