My father just got admitted to the emergency room because of difficulty breathing. First off they didn’t allow me to come in with him he had to go in by himself. Then he texts me that they are making him wear two masks and when he told them he cannot breathe that way he’s already short of breath, they told him he can leave. Excuse me? You are the “medical professionals” how about you take the proper precautions and use YOUR extra ppe. HE CANNOT FUCKING BREATHE. I am really about to go to this ER and go to jail....
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This is exactly why I came here. I feel like I have no where to turn but I knew I would get some useful suggestions from some very intelligent people here. Thank you for this.
Caution, don't mix kava kava with alcohol, that combination would be hell on the liver.
I'd get some quercetin supplements (acts as a zinc ionophore like HCQ), zinc (50mg), vitamin C (2000mg twice a day), vitamin D3 (5000iu), NAC (500mg twice a day) and wash them down with tonic water. Also gargle with mouthwash several times a day. Get sunlight if it's reasonable to do so in your climate zone. Possibly try to get some ivermectin, preferably from a doctor in human doses, and not the equine variety which might be available online or in your local equine supply store.
Also not a doctor, so don't listen to me either.