posted ago by Oh_Well_ian ago by Oh_Well_ian +142 / -1

Here is the story about the Perp >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5rIZKs6KT8YouTube

Hillary Clinton gave the eulogy at the funeral of the mother of the assassination suspect who threatened to kill Donald Trump at the inauguration. Crazy, huh? Her mother was a 9/11 victim, too! Hillary sat next to the suspect at her funeral!

Guess what? They found the mother's wedding ring in the rubble!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2497916/Wedding-ring-9-11-victim-Clinton-family-friend-1-6-million-tons-Ground-Zero-rubble-provide-hope-daughter-died-hit-run-decade-later.html The daughter ( sister of the suspect ) wrote a book about it AND created a charity http://www.soniasring.com/ !! Look at the ring... look funny to you? I think I count 13 pillars in it's unusual design.

In 2010, Let's Roll Forums completely blasted and debunked this Mother/Daughter/Ring story and exposed it for the LIE that it is. The Mother and Daughter SHARED THE SAME NAME ( can you say CIA cutout? ) and by the time you track down the Mothers 'true' identity, it looks FAKED. http://letsrollforums.com/passenger-fl-11-sonia-t21842.html --- In fact, the IPTC data associated with the CNN tribute/obituary of the Mother PROVES that it was created 8 MONTHS before 9/11!!