For anyone who is spiritual, a good red pill is the fact that they used stem cells from aborted fetuses.
That alone should be a hard no.
But then look at the hundreds of deaths so far, plus all the awful side effects, including Bells Palsy and seizures. There are detailed stats and vids of side effect sufferers at
Personally I think the vaccines contain nano particles designed to usher in transhumanism.
For anyone who is spiritual, a good red pill is the fact that they used stem cells from aborted fetuses.
That alone should be a hard no.
But then look at the hundreds of deaths so far, plus all the awful side effects, including Bells Palsy and seizures. There are detailed stats and vids of side effect sufferers at
Personally I think the vaccines contain nano particles designed to usher in transhumanism.
Sounds like the mark of the beast to me.