Race war is gonna happen for sure some day, except it'll be these wastes of space, oxygen, and resources vs the rest of us, and we're smarter.
Oh, and they'll have lefties on their side. Even militant, you know these people are weak. Weak minded, weak of spirit. Still, do not underestimate them. A cornered pansy can still fire a gun.
Race war is gonna happen for sure some day, except it'll be these wastes of space, oxygen, and resources vs the rest of us, and we're smarter.
Oh, and they'll have lefties on their side. Even militant, you know these people are weak. Weak minded, weak of spirit. Still, do not underestimate them. A cornered pansy can still fire a gun.
I feel I should mention that they'll be the ones to go nuts and start shit, not us.
We are a peaceful bunch, until you attack us that is.