The real zombies are your fellow citizens who failed to prepare for a crisis, and see you with your generators, food, water, etc. Not some walking dead fantasy flick!
Telling people to prepare for emergencies (like Hurricaines, or what's going on in Texas) is boring as hell to people; but telling people to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse is fun, and now everyone's thinking of getting food and preparing shelter; all the same things that will work in a boring-ass regular emergency.
When they do trial runs with local emergency services they'll be talking on the radio about zombie outbreaks and the infections spreading across the state. You can listen to them on a police scanner.
The real zombies are your fellow citizens who failed to prepare for a crisis, and see you with your generators, food, water, etc. Not some walking dead fantasy flick!
No doubt! But we should still we willing to help where we can!
The CDC have done this for years.
Telling people to prepare for emergencies (like Hurricaines, or what's going on in Texas) is boring as hell to people; but telling people to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse is fun, and now everyone's thinking of getting food and preparing shelter; all the same things that will work in a boring-ass regular emergency.
When they do trial runs with local emergency services they'll be talking on the radio about zombie outbreaks and the infections spreading across the state. You can listen to them on a police scanner.
ruh roh..
proven to what????
i wouldn't be surprised if in some DUMBs they have created this shit.
I am Legend.