winn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Next up: (true) BLM supporters wear shirts with Trump's fist raised!

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the Knights Templar were seduced (infiltrated?) by Gnostics during their tenure in the holy land, while they were stationed at Solomons temple. They learned the same black arts Solomon was practicing when he was seduced by the mystery religions he learned by his Caananite wives; he sacrificed to foreign gods.

This is quite an important data point I had not heard before! I'll need to visit this angle in my quest. I do know Solomon is a key figure to the cabal. Was he THE primary vector through which Israel "played the harlot"? The Israelites had been influenced by the religious practices of neighboring nations since their exodus from Egypt, however it was during Solomon's reign that they began to adopt more pagan practices, on a larger scale, due to his numerous foreign wives and his establishment of places of worship for their gods. This eventually contributed to the division of the kingdom into Israel and Judah after his death...

The Templars bring this gnostic mystery religion back to Europe & they publically professed Catholicism but in secret, they worshipped the Baphomet (transgender god) and Sophia,a black Madonna (Isis, Ishtar).

That's interesting too. I wonder what role if any that has played in the racist aspect of many cabal factions...

Chinon Parchment

I'll check that out

AI answer: The Ophites venerated the serpent as a symbol of wisdom and salvation, as they believed it had imparted knowledge to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.According to the Ophites, the serpent represented the divine wisdom that had been suppressed by the creator god, often identified with the God of the Old Testament. They believed that through the serpent's teachings, humanity could attain spiritual enlightenment and salvation. The Ophites' beliefs were considered heretical by the early Christian Church, which led to their persecution and eventual decline.

Ohhh boy. now we're getting to something I recognize! Regardless of whether that group dissolved, this is a keystone belief in all the Luciferian sects. They think mean ol God had locked Adam and Eve in the big bad garden as slaves and that the kind serpent liberated them from that prison! kek. Such blatant stupidity, springing forth from absolute rebellion to all authority, logic, and basic parent/child common sense dynamic. If my dad kept me in the house, where I had all that I needed, and I could only go out with him, who would protest such a thing?? These people are diluded beyond belief.

With that said, we now come to a key point of disagreement I have with the RCC, as well as any other church, or body of faith, who acts in similar fashion: Jesus never told or even alluded to us that we should persecute unbelievers or heretics. He NEVER chased someone down with a weapon to force them to convert. He didn't even chase after them with words and arguements. If they received his message, fine. If not, that's on them, & keep it moving. It is this point, among several others, which allows for me to be so bold in my opposition to the RCC. Throughout its long history it has been guilty of this over and over again. I would argue it has even surpassed every tyrannical & persecutorial government in history, seeing how it's lasted longer than them all, but this is only my hunch and I won't argue it too strongly. Finally, it was this very same logic which Jesus rebuked his disciples for multiple times. They thought he came to militarily overthrow the pagan Roman empire and set up a literal earthly kingdom of Heaven, but Jesus showed them something completely different. However the RCC (and others, but RCC being primary) continued along this flawed path, crusading and inquisiting their way through the ages, leaving a trail of blood, guts & misery in their wake, ultimately resulting in themselves becoming the primary subject of repulsion to Christ for unbelievers worldwide. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to share the Gospel and the person brings up the RCC, conflates it with "Christianity" and with Christ, and wholly discards everything I told them along with it.

I believe that the council of Vatican II of the 1960's was their crowning achievement. This is how far back the war against the deepstate goes. Vigano's letter to Trump back in 2020 mentions Masons & more importantly, he says "Solve Et Coagula", the addage found on the BAPHOMET. Vigano is telling us that the Deep Church are Masons.

I contend that Vatican II is but the natural course for the satanic RCC to have taken. There are only a finite amount of moves that evil may take. I understand what you're saying though.

As for Vigano I don't think he's gone deep ENOUGH. I love much of what he has to say but think that he's missing some data. I pray he keeps going and ends up with a more complete picture. The Freemasons are 100% major players on the board, but only focusing on them is like us only focusing on the Clinton syndicate to the exclusion of the rest.

Isn't it interesting that the cornerstone for the Whitehouse was laid on October 13th, 1792? 500+ years after the Tempars were arrested?

I'm not understanding the point you're making here fren. I agree that the Freemasons were the primary ss who infiltrated the USA during its founding, if that's yoir point

Isn't it interesting that Catholic France had fallen to the Masonic French Revolution in 1788

Yes it is. I need to do more research into the French Revolution.

From AI: The actual keys were entrusted to the Marquis de Lafayette, a French military officer and statesman, who later presented them to George Washington as a gesture of solidarity between the French and American revolutions. Today, the keys are on display at Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate in Virginia.

interdasting indeed... You really aught to watch those documentaries I linked in prior comment if you get the time!

Sorry but most people dont want to accept the fact the Catholism represented the Old, Christian world order.

I do accept that. My premise is that that old world order is in fact the NWO... the papal throne wants his power back. The NWO is the OWO resurrected. I say that order was wrong in the past and should never return!

The Freemasonic Gnostic took over Western Civilization & America's founders were instrumental in bringing about the New World Order. If its any consolation, it is said that George Washington converted to Catholicism on his death bed.

I find that what America's founders brought about was the single greatest threat to the cabal, or more precisely the "6,000 year-old death cult we are defeating with memes" :p

Our form of government is kryptonite to tyranny, and the cult has done everything it could to subvert and overthrow it. We are quite literally standing in the gap for the entire world. "As goes America so goes the world". We are a bright and shining light on a hill, and everybody knows it, and admires / copies it the best that they can (I speak of the people, not the corrupt gov's)

If George converted to Catholicism the nurses must have been doing some fustuaris on his feet! kek

Jokes aside I have never heard that and don't really believe it, but that's neither here nor there.

I hope we all can continue digging for the truth on these topics no matter where they lead. If any one of these groups are actually good or actually bad I think the fact will be self-evident if we continue down these veins honestly and am grateful for the discussion!

winn 2 points ago +3 / -1

Awesome, I'd love to see it! If you end up posting plz link me🙏

winn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Got a link?

Also can you create a graphic which accurately demonstrates this?

*taking into account the camera angle, distance from Biden, focal length, lighting, and whatever else can distort a scene...not highly critical but would be nice...

It would be interesting to see it next to a scale / key to determine the height ratios and apply them to the video.

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

"On The Jews And Their Lies" is a suspected forgery and nobody can find a 1st edition copy of it. It was written in an attempt to discredit Luther and the Protestant Reformation, imo.

"They're all in agreement that we need a one world government, the only thing they disagree on is who will rule it."

Freemasonic gnostic vs. the RCC...

🍿 is being consumed here. Please continue, I'm learning a lot!

Btw, here is a two-part documentary on the Freemasonic (&other secret societies) parallel infiltration of the USA during its founding. It's quite long but worth the watch if you guys ever have the time. TL:DR the secret societies infiltrated the USA from the start, begun underground networks and made advances in their plots to take it over slowly thoughout the following centuries, and are now so embedded that even these historical facts are almost inseparable from the true history about its founding.

America's Beginnings: https://youtu.be/tzKqVtu6C5s

Riddles In Stone: https://youtu.be/oaEKBBsncng

If the RCC was infiltrated it wasn't "cabal faction subverts Christ's church",

it was "cabal faction subverts cabal top dog faction in attempt to be top dog faction".

This is a topic that needs more attention and is quite complex if approached from the wrong starting points, of which there are myriads.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The_Authority" is on my shit-list and of course he didn't drop any sauce in his tweet.

So we do the work for him.



Nested reply with Tales From The Crypt meme: https://archive.fo/R52xi (#2530129)

New Deadpool movie just came out today, one day after POTUS' TruthSocial post.




That is some random ass thing for a POTUS to post.

We should probably take this as a signal that this Q post is actively relevent at this time

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair points to ponder, I'm at the "Elon and Thiel are being used by the white hats in The Plan" stage but don't really want to go beyond it yet.

Their recent activities are 100% beneficial to destroying the cabal (imo)

winn 18 points ago +18 / -0

They never thought she would lose.

They weren't prepared for Operation Warpspeed counter-move

We were supposed to be in year 5 or 6 of perpetual covid lockdowns and forced, guaranteed bad vaccines under Hillary, and probably kinetic WW3.

That would surely account for it.

Oopsie! Mission: Failed 🤡

winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you're implying that the initiatives have been successfully and forcefully implemented in some places I don't disagree, was only saying that they weren't supposed to be so obvious with it. Look at the amount of exposure, ridicule, repulsion they have been subjected to. Now their entire globalist platform is crumbling in the public narrative war

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic Church persecuted anybody who wouldn't submit to the Pope, regardless of their reasoning. They went after Jews, pagans, gnostics, true believers in Jesus, it didn't matter so long as they resisted the papal throne. Every pope is the anti-christ.

I believe in Jesus. I disagree with the "gnostic Jesus" stuff but also acknowledge that his teachings, as well as most of the Old Testament, were only truly understood via the spirit. The letter, or literal meaning, often was purposefully written in a way to trick those who approached it from a wicked, carnal starting point.

"Deceiving and being deceived"

"At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."

winn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Freemasonic whore Luciferian taint-licker slag

Too bad her stupid little rituals have no power unless you believe they do, which I don't. So carry on whore, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

winn 11 points ago +11 / -0

God chose Trump to save the country.

God chose

Thank you.

B-b-b-but Trump said he's the chosen one! B-but some "Christians" on 4chan said he's the anti-christ! He think's he's God and so do his followers!


winn 1 point ago +1 / -0


just gonna copy paste

winn 46 minutes ago +5 / -0 more of this ridiculous slide? here is Biden's ear: https://a57.foxnews.com/media2.foxnews.com/BrightCove/694940094001/2019/05/03/896/500/694940094001_6032546913001_6032545217001-vs.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 there is no second ear canal lol that's just the way his ear looks

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's more likely to die from choking than be assassinated. Literally nobody is afraid of that nasty slut. Lol

winn 6 points ago +6 / -0

At this point I'm calling anything like this a purposeful psy-op, or at least a component of one.

Not even the most retarded Jew could believe this. Trump has multiple divorces and used to fornicate, and you think he's the Messiah? Looool

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oooh Oooh! Is this the part where MAGA is duped into requesting a return to a theocratic-dictatorship???!! I love this part! Yes, we need a benevolent dictator! Yes! I vote for Archbishop Vigano! Let him become king of the world! We should just discard the form of government given to us by God via the hands of our founding fathers, because obviously it doesn't work since the country has fallen into such blatant immorality and foolishness, nevermind the pesky fact that this is the DIRECT RESULT of generational, intentional, systematic BRAINWASHING AND LIES AND PROPAGANDA AND WICKED CHANGES TO THE LEGAL CODES pushed on Americans by the very same forces who are leading the charge to have us request it!

Oh boy goody gosh golly!

I wonder if Jack Posobiec is a Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican... Just wondering out loud, plz don't attack me with downdoots I don't know if I'll survive that!!

winn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some people think this fake Biden rabbit hole is waking up normies.

To what exactly?

I fail to see ANY benefit to pushing this. We have SO MUCH CONFIRMED DIRT ON THESE BASTARDS. The Biden family is literally the embodiment of the deep state syndicate, featuring every single crime we were told by Q to pursue and expose.

Pedophilia, bribery, extortion, quid pro quo, selling out America to foreign countries, election fraud, murder and blackmail, etc etc

yet here we are worried about his fucking goddamn ear canal.

I'm sorry but this is beyond retarded at this point.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is what the Democrat party claim to be.

He is from the poor and working class and represents them honestly.

He is kryptonite to those hypocrits

Those ivory tower dwelling pompous spoiled bastards who never worked an honest day's work in their fucking lives yet tell everybody how things should be.

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