The following is from recent GhostEzra postings on Telegram. While this means that the info is not “verified proof,” everything he has posted so far seems legit and logical. So take from it what you will but I thought it was a nice reminder to look at the big picture and ignore the BS propaganda spewing from the MSM. They are starting to be revealed as the corrupt mockingbird media shills they really are.
How's everyone holding up? Blocking out the noise? There's a lot of noise out there:
- Trump will run in 2024. Bullshit.
- Jared is keeping Trump off social media. Laughable.
- Trump lost the election because of his advisers. Brain dead.
There are fools out there by the handful. Don't feed into them. You know better. This was no ordinary 4 year election. It's much bigger.
Some people call that hopium. I call it seeing the big picture. If you get lost down a fake news rabbit hole it leads you nowhere. I'm trying to get everyone to see macro. The big picture.
Here it is once again.
Trump won by the largest vote count in USA history. The seized dominion servers reflected a 410 electoral vote count at minumum. That's not accounting the votes for Trump that were tossed and burned. Like California. Trump has it all.
Bidan is not the president for a multiple of reasons. Just because you don't know every detail of what Trump is quietly doing right now, doesn't mean Trump isn't in control. His whole team is.
When was the last time you saw Pelosi? Think hard before you answer and don't say last week.
Matt Gaetz survived the storm. So did Rand Paul, Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley. Nunes and Grassley are solid.
Lots happened quietly during Covid planned-demic. What they meant for evil, God used for good.
Oh yeah, masks all come off when the movie ends. All lies will be revealed. Credits roll. Actors are revealed. Justice is served. Tribunals are shown to the public.
I guess the counter argument of this is that the longer this all goes on, the more the cabal has control and harder it is to reverse.
Not dooming, but I don’t believe means justify ends in terms of of an ethical framework, as externalities are unaccounted for.
This is war. There are always casualties. If the mil stepped in too early, we would have massive rioting. Possibly civil war. And the DS would just grow back like cancer until we were right back where we started.
If the mil wasn't in control, we'd already be headed for the internment camps.
We cant know the dates or details. But after all the insane stuff happening around the world right now, the ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION is that the plan is operational. So I may try to speculate and guess, but above all I am keeping the faith.
What a great line!! Gonna have to use that one myself if you don't mind.