I have wondered this myself. But at the same time, none of these things would’ve happened if there had been no cheating either. So to cast blame at Trump’s and Q’s feet may feel like the right emotion to feel, they’re not making Beijing Biden do anything either. Should they stop it? It becomes a moral question at that point. My guess is everything isn’t ready yet. I don’t know what that could be. But there is a reason nothing has happened we yet. I just cling to the hope that something will, because I have nothing else to cling to at this point anyway.
I have wondered this myself. But at the same time, none of these things would’ve happened if there had been no cheating either. So to cast blame at Trump’s and Q’s feet may feel like the right emotion to feel, they’re not making Beijing Biden do anything either. Should they stop it? It becomes a moral question at that point. My guess is everything isn’t ready yet. I don’t know what that could be. But there is a reason nothing has happened we yet. I just cling to the hope that something will, because I have nothing else to cling to at this point anyway.