posted ago by HighFrequency ago by HighFrequency +303 / -3


‘Doesn’t Make Any Political Sense’: Rep. Pramila Jayapal Says People Shouldn’t Get Less From Biden Than They Got From Trump

Theory: the US corporation doesn’t have any money to give

When Trump first created the covid relief, he essentially absorbed the Fed Reserve into the US TREASURY and started using the ESF to fund it.


The ESF is essentially on paper a dollar value stabilizer. But in reality it’s a black book account used by the cabal for black budget ops. Trump started using it to pay back Americans in “relief”.

Biden either has access to do something similar with the ESF? Doesn’t have access at all? Or won’t touch it bc the Fed Reserve is threatening him?

If he doesn’t have access, theories on him not being in control look more and more true.

If he’s only in charge of DC, and DC the corporation is now bankrupt, Biden and Congress may not have any money to hand out as stimulus checks.

That’s gonna get awkward when they don’t pass out checks to their “constituents”.