And hey a cashier's check for processing our paperwork sounds perfectly reasonable, I mean, we're gonna be rich, right? What's a few thousand dollars when it comes to gaining fame and fortune?
It's the job of Nigerian royalty to introduce new recruits into the Illuminati, duh. Prince Nombulu already shared this knowledge in our email correspondence! Another cool thing that he shared with me is that he is friends with big celebrities like Tom Hanks! And Tom Hanks hangs out with African royalty all the time, here's a pic he sent me to prove it:
And hey a cashier's check for processing our paperwork sounds perfectly reasonable, I mean, we're gonna be rich, right? What's a few thousand dollars when it comes to gaining fame and fortune?
Do you think it's a Nigerian prince?! How exciting!!
It's the job of Nigerian royalty to introduce new recruits into the Illuminati, duh. Prince Nombulu already shared this knowledge in our email correspondence! Another cool thing that he shared with me is that he is friends with big celebrities like Tom Hanks! And Tom Hanks hangs out with African royalty all the time, here's a pic he sent me to prove it:
I wonder if prince Nombulu wants a dowry of many goats along with my cash app advance?