It's weird... gas in my area has fluctuated a bit but has mostly stayed consistent in the high-2's to low-3's.
Of course for me personally, I pay a bit more for my gas of choice because it's a station that I have to travel 15 mins out of my way to get to because it doesn't contain corn juice (ethanol).
For me, it's been just under 2 for a while now, ever since gas prices went super low when they were dumping oil or whatever the hell happened. Since Biden got in it been steadily climbing. Filled up last week and it was 2.50
Gas has gone up more than 50 cents where I am too, add that to the list.
It's weird... gas in my area has fluctuated a bit but has mostly stayed consistent in the high-2's to low-3's.
Of course for me personally, I pay a bit more for my gas of choice because it's a station that I have to travel 15 mins out of my way to get to because it doesn't contain corn juice (ethanol).
For me, it's been just under 2 for a while now, ever since gas prices went super low when they were dumping oil or whatever the hell happened. Since Biden got in it been steadily climbing. Filled up last week and it was 2.50
$4.29 BeCaUse wE CaRe aBoUt The eNvIrOnmEnt iN CaLifOrNiA, bigot climate denier hurrr durrr....