"Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?"-Q Post #867
Maybe the saturation of gold in the soil has something to do with it?
Continuation of my previous thread.
Just some more drips before I release the big report.
TL;DR: They harvest monoatomic gold from children/babies. Adrenochrome and stem-cells are a red-herring. Follow behind me, you might spot something I could miss.
so the children have gold in their system?
how the f*ck do these people figure this shit out?
the obsession with blood, etc is ?
We all have gold in our systems, at least 0.2 micrograms per person. Just one of their many lies is telling us it doesn't do anything. If it didn't do anything, then why is it in all our essential organs? Why is it in the brain? Why is it in the lymph nodes? Is it useful for our immune system? Copper and silver are known antimicrobials. They are stacked vertically on the periodic table. Does that mean they share the same properties?
Why have allergies increased since vaccines? Vaccines contain mercury. Mercury saps gold and forms an amalgam, very quickly.
Allergies are an auto-immune disorder. Do vaccines cause allergies because they deprive our bodies of essential gold minerals?
Maybe. Keep looking, I am.
I have found that vaccines definitely cause allergies plus autism, other auto immune diseases, reduced IQ, etc. this link to gold is certainly interesting. been trying to find colloidal gold for me and my family to make part of our diet along with colloidal silver
I developed narcolepsy after getting the H1N1 vaccine.
That's the inspiration for my username.
sorry to hear that, although things happen for a reason. was the vaccine and getting narcolepsy what "awakened" you ?
wouldn't that be ironic