Good thought but not quite. They “tell” us so that in their psychotic minds, their logic is that we know and are accepting of what they’re telling us. I believe in certain satanic doctrines, they have to let you know what they’re doing for not only the aforementioned purpose but also as a humiliation/dehumanizing ritual. This is only from what I’ve found and understood.
Except in this movie it is not downplayed and it shows how much pain the main character feels about what happened to his child. It's an interesting film and philip k. Dick stories are very unique.
Totally agree. The reason I posted this is bc with the way AI and our tech ideologies/morals are going, what do you think they would do if you can view a persons life before they’ve even lived it? That’s why I think it’s a significant movie that’s been overlooked.
Good thought but not quite. They “tell” us so that in their psychotic minds, their logic is that we know and are accepting of what they’re telling us. I believe in certain satanic doctrines, they have to let you know what they’re doing for not only the aforementioned purpose but also as a humiliation/dehumanizing ritual. This is only from what I’ve found and understood.
Except in this movie it is not downplayed and it shows how much pain the main character feels about what happened to his child. It's an interesting film and philip k. Dick stories are very unique.
Totally agree. The reason I posted this is bc with the way AI and our tech ideologies/morals are going, what do you think they would do if you can view a persons life before they’ve even lived it? That’s why I think it’s a significant movie that’s been overlooked.