In the early ‘60s , John D. Rockefeller III approached Fr. Theodore Hesburgh who was then president of Notre Dame and asked about the possibility of Notre Dame hosting a Population Council meeting at the university.
In 1965 Fr. Hesburgh invited Rockefeller-funded Planned Parenthood to hold a number of so called “secret conferences” at Notre Dame through the intervention of Fr. John O’Brien head of the theology department.
Former Notre Dame professor, and editor of the website, E. Michael Jones observes the university’s wholesale betrayal of the Catholic Faith, as part of a self-absorbed trading of souls for foundation funding.
"The Rockefeller interest was the want/need for Catholics to use birth control. [Traitor] Catholics such as Hesburg wants funding from Rockefeller, Ford etc foundations. These 'secret conferences' were only advertised to the 'most friendly' of potential guests. John D. Rockefeller III need a Catholic in their camp-so to speak. He found a willing one in Fr. T. Hesburg. Fr. Hesburg sold out Catholic education for a share of Rockefellers millions. And the 'worldly respect'. There was plenty of that-
For starters, Fr. Theodore Hesburgh actually served on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation as well as held other important positions over the course of 20 years within the organization. The same organization that is a leading proponent of the Culture of Death.
But that wasn’t all the worldly acclaim Fr. Hesburgh amassed. He became the director of Chase Manhattan Bank, was given 150 honorary degrees from various universities as of 2004, the most by any person in history and was awarded the medal of freedom from Pres. Nixon, and the congressional gold medal by Bill Clinton.
How is it possible that a Roman Catholic priest sat ON THE BOARD and WAS THE DIRECTOR of an organization that supports birth control and abortion???
It’s a question whose answer reveals all.
Once Notre Dame … the leading Catholic university in the nation sold out, practically every other Catholic university followed suit.
With population control money pouring into the coffers of Catholic universities, the plan could proceed to advance contraception and abortion as tools in population control (recall this is simply eugenics).
And Catholic universities played an impressive role in warping the minds of young Catholics and steering them away from the truth.
That’s why, today we live in a nation in which 98% of Catholics not Protestants or atheists but CATHOLICS use contraception.
It was this relationship between Hesburgh and the population control Rockefeller Foundation that, perhaps more than any other single alliance in recent Church history which began the meltdown of the past nearly 50 years.
And with these secret conferences on population control going on during the summers of the early 1960’s at Notre Dame, it soon became clear that a more definitive break with the Catholic Church and her teaching would have to be initiated.
In 1967, the year before the Papal encyclical Humanae Vitae which restated Catholic teaching condemning contraception was released. Notre Dame administrators under the direction of Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, released what was known as the Land O’Lakes Statement. Which they distanced themselves from Catholic teaching. The statement was named after the retreat center of the Holy Cross Fathers, the order that founded Notre Dame.
The retreat center is a luxurious hideaway in Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin.
While at this quiet summer conference in July of 1967, Fr. Hesburgh and others prepared for the overthrow of the Catholic Faith at Notre Dame.
But Hesburgh’s initiative would not stop at the confines of his South Bend, Indiana campus. It spread like a blazing inferno to virtually every other Catholic college looking to unshackle itself from Rome.
In releasing the Land O’ Lakes statement, Hesburgh’s Notre Dame aligned itself with forces bent on the destruction of Catholicism, such as, the Rockefeller Foundation -with whom Father Theodore Hesburgh plotted to reduce the Catholic voice in society, by indoctrinating the Faithful with the world’s creed.
The Land O’Lakes Statement is important because of the atmosphere it created making the rejection of Christ's authority, His teachings - just to sound sophisticated, intelligent, up to date and thoroughly fashionable.
It laid the groundwork for widespread and wholesale academic dissent which would explode a year later at Catholic University of America with specific regard to the Birth Control issue and Pope Paul VI’s encyclical.
Hesburgh’s Land O’Lakes Statement and the explosion of dissent against Humanae Vitae went hand in glove. It was perceived by the public as it was intended to be that if a larger than life Catholic icon could challenge Rome, then everything was up for grabs.
It has proved to be an attitude throughout the Church in the West that has not dissipated in the following 40 plus years and still often emanates from our pulpits and chanceries today.
And its important to bear in mind, that these wheels were set in motion by the designs of the Rockefellers and the cooperation of Fr. Ted Hesburgh and his Notre Dame.
With the Catholic academic world now unhitching itself from the authority of the Church. The Catholic world was now readied for wholesale rejection of sexual ethics.
When you’ve got more money than you know what to do with, what’s left to achieve? How about world domination?! Some believe that’s exactly what the Rockefeller dynasty wants. We can certainly judge by their actions and statements that they, along with an elite group of politicians, aristocrats and billionaires desire a world united under some form of global governance.
Here’s an excerpt from current family patriarch David Rockefeller’s Memoirs:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” .
As you can see Mr. Rockefeller had no concern for his own country’s best interest. He proudly admits that some kind of “one world government” would be ideal. If David Rockefeller was working against America, the most prosperous country in the history of mankind one must ask the question, WHY? While this country has its flaws, it is also the same country that provided Mr. Rockefeller & his family the opportunity to make their fortune.
What kind of government would he replaced democracy with? Would he done away with capitalism?
We do know that Mr. Rockefeller is appreciative a type of governance that is diametrically opposed to constitutional republic. He speaks candidly in a 1973 New York Times article about China and the success of communism: "Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."
Keep in mind that Mr. Rockefeller is speaking favorably about a system that is responsible for the deaths of 40,000,000 people in China alone.
In contrast, the Catholic Church has words of condemnation for Communism: "This all to imminent danger, Venerable Brethren, as you have already surmised, is bolshevistic and athetistic Communism, which aims at upsetting the social order and at undermining the very foundations of Christian society." Pope Pius XI March 19, 1937 DIVINI REDEMPTORIS Encyclical on Atheistic Communism
We’ve looked at what the Rockefellers have said about world government , now let’s take at look at what they’ve done. Their publicized involvement with organizations like, the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United Nations and The Trilateral Commission establishes them as key players on the global economic and government scenes.
What is less known, is their involvement with groups aimed at creating one world religion. This Rockefeller initiative nearly a century in the making is an attempt to bring together different faiths into one.
With all things the Rockefellers are involved with one must question their motivation. Was it to bring about peace and harmony or to shoot down any religions/beliefs that stand in the way of their global governance goal?
In 1919, John D. Rockefeller Jr. funded a new ecumenical organization, the Interchurch World Movement or IWM. Its stated purpose was to foster peace after a bloody World War I. It sought to achieve this by consolidating the various denominations into one religion. While this particular organization only lasted a short time,it began the idea of consolidating religions, and the watering down of their dogmas into one.
It’s interesting to note, that Professor Charles Harvey, who wrote a history of the IWM, said that the roots of the modern day social justice gospel can be traced back to Rockefeller’s Interchurch World Movement.
The current understanding of social justice is that we must completely focus on solving all worldly needs while sacrificing our eternal needs.
The torch and the Rockefeller funding was passed on to the Federal Council of Churches. Today, the World Council of Churches carries on that same mission with the help of the United Nations.
And consistent with the Rockefellers past support of this movement they funded the World Council of Churches gorgeous Ecumenical Institute in Switzerland. Not only do they support combining all religions into one, but you’ll find in, what can be called their “mission statement” that they support one world government.
Climate Change is another issue in which the will of the Rockefellers is exercised wholesale through their various organizations including the Foundation.
Politicians within the family ranks have helped to form and promote legislation to reduce or even eliminate "dirty" practices that supposedly contribute to climate change.
Steven Rockefeller, a fourth generation family member, played a major role in writing the UN Earth Charter in the late 1990’s which points to overpopulation as a major detriment to our ecology, not to mention our social and economic systems.
The Rockefeller Foundation makes the following statements "Human actions have degraded ecosystems in the last 50 years than in all of human history. And we, the Rockefeller Foundation, are promoting awareness and guiding funders and policymakers to support broader action on climate change resiliance, nationally and internationally, to help poor and vulnerable people around the world. Specifically, the Foundation partners with government, other foundations [Ford], donors, NGOs and groups from the private sector."
The Rockefellers, individually, have also been involved with climate change and subsequent legislation involving the reduction of greenhouse gases. Phil Rockefeller, a state senator in Washington states: "I worry a lot about climate change, I think it is the single most important enviromental issue we face." Jay Rockefeller: "Greenhouse gases are not healthy for the Earth, or for people and we must take significant action to reduce them."
Summarizing the Rockefeller philosophy perfectly was David Rockefeller while addressing the UN Ambassadors dinner in the 1990s. As shared earlier, The Rockefeller Foundation is heavily involved in the contraception movement. Remember they started this as a EUGENICS foundation. This has not stopped. Not just abortions but contraceptions is 'important' to the Foundation.
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Council have produced a variety of contraceptive methods, because their underlying belief is that human population must be curtailed and limited to end the “problem” of climate change. As a result, the Rockefellers continue to inject tens of millions of dollars into the political machinery to bring about their world vision.
The Rockefeller Family through various funding efforts, power grabs and influence peddling has made itself an enemy of Christ.
The Rockefellers have extended their tentacles throughout the world, influencing public opinion in favor of their global agenda.
The Rockefeller Foundation may paint itself as a social help agency put in place to assist mankind but don't be fooled. The Rockefeller Foundation has an agenda that is deeply in opposition to the Christ and His Teachings.
It’s the lie that contraception is good, that its’ good for couples, good PUBLIC policy, good government policy, good for nations and its good for humanity. This all started with the Rockefeller Foundation [and the Ford Foundation].
Yet many God fearing, loving wonderful Patriots are willing to follow the social experiment that was started as a eugenics movement in both abortion, sterilization and contraception started in part by this evil. If you accept the globalist idea of want of one world government--you must accept it in its entirety--population control in all of its forms.
Citation/References: Rockefeller Plan David Rockefeller UN Ambassador dinner, 2008
website abt Rockefeller 'secret' world dominence Council Foreign Relations Council started by Rockefeller one world ideology Rebecca Leung 60 Minutes CBS Skull and Bones-Rockefeller Skull and Bones Society Electronic version of Book "The Saintly Sinner" Gary Allen, 1976 The Rockefeller Timeline PBS Rockefeller/Bush/SkullandBones and Eugenics
Electronic Book Rockefeller, UN, Nazi, Genocide Anton Chaitkin 2003
Eugenics, Racism, Population Control Explainatio
Great work, thank you.