I'm not huge into the "Tiger Woods was targeted for assassination/new-cycle hijacking" theories... but I am into the truth. And since this topic was discussed quite a bit over the past two days, it is worth noting that:
Based on this video reportedly from a few minutes prior to the accident, the driver (presumably Tiger Woods) actually appeared to be driving at a fairly reasonable, restrained rate of speed... on a fun section of road where I likely would have been tempted to drive faster than that, even if I wasn't reportedly late. From the accident scene photos, I just had it in my head that Tiger Woods was driving like a total maniac, and crashed, and that's what you get for driving like that, and thank goodness nobody else was hurt. But based on this video, I now think that ungenerous presumption was incorrect. Maybe he was distracted, or hopped up on painkillers, or whatever... and crashed. But this video not only makes clear he was not prone to speeding on this trip, it makes it look like he's a notably responsible driver.
Thus, the YouTube video headline "Tiger Woods Badly Injured In Car Crash, Seen Speeding from Hotel Minutes Before Accident |TMZ Sports" seems to be suspicious bullshit. Yes, TMZ are publicity-craving bullshit peddlers... but why such a disprovably fake headline on this video? (Note: comments are, big surprise... turned off)
Again, I'm not pro- or anti- conspiracy on this... but this bit of evidence a) definitely makes the crash seem more suspiciously strange, and b) the mainstream media, of which scummy TMZ is a fully paid-up member, is absolute garbage.
I'm not huge into the "Tiger Woods was targeted for assassination/new-cycle hijacking" theories... but I am into the truth. And since this topic was discussed quite a bit over the past two days, it is worth noting that:
Based on this video reportedly from a few minutes prior to the accident, the driver (presumably Tiger Woods) actually appeared to be driving at a fairly reasonable, restrained rate of speed... on a fun section of road where I likely would have been tempted to drive faster than that, even if I wasn't reportedly late. From the accident scene photos, I just had it in my head that Tiger Woods was driving like a total maniac, and crashed, and that's what you get for driving like that, and thank goodness nobody else was hurt. But based on this video, I now think that ungenerous presumption was incorrect. Maybe he was distracted, or hopped up on painkillers, or whatever... and crashed. But this video not only makes clear he was not prone to speeding on this trip, it makes it look like he's a notably responsible driver.
Thus, the YouTube video headline "Tiger Woods Badly Injured In Car Crash, Seen Speeding from Hotel Minutes Before Accident |TMZ Sports" seems to be suspicious bullshit. Yes, TMZ are publicity-craving bullshit peddlers... but why such a disprovably fake headline on this video? (Note: comments are, big surprise... turned off)
Again, I'm not pro- or anti- conspiracy on this... but this bit of evidence a) definitely makes the crash seem more suspiciously strange, and b) the mainstream media, of which scummy TMZ is a fully paid-up member, is absolute garbage.
Looked like normal speed to me.
"Seen Speeding from Hotel Minutes Before Accident"... is simply a bald-faced, gaslighting lie.
The fact that he didn't pass the car before him would prove he wasn't speeding. I hate media.