All the endless speculations over the years and all the disagreements over details have me waiting for 'official' reports to counter my physics based answers to what I saw that day. Think the Bessemer Effect-that powered the industrial Revolution, think highly engineered structured fail safes to prevent collateral damage from sideways collapse.
TBS, I DO concede about #7 Where one anomaly taints the whole disaster, the TRUE explanation will be a mind blower.
All the endless speculations over the years and all the disagreements over details have me waiting for 'official' reports to counter my physics based answers to what I saw that day. Think the Bessemer Effect-that powered the industrial Revolution, think highly engineered structured fail safes to prevent collateral damage from sideways collapse. TBS, I DO concede about #7 Where one anomaly taints the whole disaster, the TRUE explanation will be a mind blower.