Lin Wood is really with us.
One last thought on where the country would be headed IF Bribes/Obama/Cabal/CCP were really in charge:
There would be NO middle class. Just the elite and their servants.
That will NEVER happen in America - the land of opportunity.
Keep your faith strong. Speak truth. Trust God.
Lin ?❤️??
I feel like Lin has been tasked with saying all the “crazy”stuff to get it out there but I haven’t figured out exactly why yet.
And Sidney, with the Dominion stuff, too.
If Donald Trump dropped that bomb, it’d have been pretty much “Game Over” then, there. And that wasn’t the plan.
But with Sidney, and a few other folks, dropping such stunning references, it’s been a few months of folks like us grouching about “well, where are ‘the receipts?’” and “has she released the Kraken yet?”, but still sustained on credible hope that whatever election fraud evidence is currently out in the public is nothing compared to what’s coming.
Folks, when the Kraken is finally released, I guarantee nobody will be asking “So was that the Kraken, do you think?”.
They cleared off 3 months of tribunal courts schedule for a reason. Powell is involved for a reason. Trump added hanging and firing squad for a reason.
Wasn’t that an EO Trump signed? Why hasn’t Biden overturned it?
Thats a good question. Biden overturned a bunch of meaningless things apparently because the states just signed their own ignoring/blocking biden's.