posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +45 / -0

Other than anyone you know who’s a hard core commie, How many people have turned to disliking Biden since 1/20? How many would like to see him replaced with Harris? How many would not mind if he was replaced with the military under 11.3? How many now recognize Trump as the lawful winner of the election and would not mind Biden being replaced by Trump? How many have become more negative toward Pelosi? How many would not mind seeing her replaced? How many have become more negative toward Schumer? How many would not mind having him replaced? How many think 99% of Washington needs to be replaced? All under 11.3! Q has stated that people can’t be told. They have to be shown. Have acquaintances in your circle have been shown the corruption? Have acquaintances in your circle have been shown their disregard for the American people? How many acquaintances in your circle have been shown their forcing the nation away from normalcy? How many still need to be shown even more?