Time for republican states to secede!!!!
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Didn't Hollywood threaten to pull out their movie productions from Georgia if they didn't support abortions and what not? A moral choice threatened by economic force.
Why doesn't Idaho do the same thing? No potatoes for states that support pedophilia, like California. "No tubers for you!", says the Idaho spud Nazi.
Where are the Goodyear and Firestone plants located? Stop shipping them tires.
Red states can legislate as well as the blue states. For some odd reason they don't. You know what states don't actually produce but only consume. Why not REALLY show them what happens when they rub the wrong way?
I think it would boil down to "is it a money thing or a principle thing". Do these states and their governments have principles or not? If they are afraid of lost income we should support them beyond belief. Buy tires or potatoes for cars/people you don't even have. I realize it may be hard to match a state like California but we should support them in any event. Be moral, not greedy.