Hello truthers,
As many of you may not know, there is a small group of individuals observing the biblical feast of Passover this weekend (one full month earlier than the rest of the world). Passover represents many things - freedom from slavery via the lamb’s blood on the door posts and lintel, Jesus Christ the true fulfillment of the Passover lamb, giving His life for all mankind to forgive all our sins, freeing us from the penalty of eternal death and slavery to sin, and interceding on our behalf to give us access to and make us righteous before the Father.
I am led to believe that GME is going to be short squeezed tomorrow as well as into next week into thousands of dollars per share.
NCSWIC - no earthly power could stop the death angel or the destroyer on Passover night avenging the deaths of the thousands of infants who were mercilessly murdered by the Egyptians. Likewise nothing can stop the Justice that is to come tomorrow in the financial markets.
We could see a suicide weekend coming up this weekend when it comes to HFs.
Also regarding President Trump, he is scheduled to appear and speak this weekend at the CPAC.
I need $400 to break even...oops