Seems like an odd way for two grown ass men to shake hands tho. You're probably right, but wouldn't dap be more typical? That's how men shake a maidens hand in the dark ages or something lol.
The way I know this type of hand shake to be, you aren’t shaking like that. It starts as like slapping 5 which slides into a grab like that, for lack of a better term. I think they just caught the end part of the shake.
Only secret handshake I ever learned was from hispanic musicians that interlocked the fingers during the handshake. Not gonna lie that shit felt special to young me lol.
Lebron sucks
That shit is gay!
That’s a pretty common way for people to shake hands. I’ve been doing that for years. I wouldn’t put too much thought into that.
Seems like an odd way for two grown ass men to shake hands tho. You're probably right, but wouldn't dap be more typical? That's how men shake a maidens hand in the dark ages or something lol.
The way I know this type of hand shake to be, you aren’t shaking like that. It starts as like slapping 5 which slides into a grab like that, for lack of a better term. I think they just caught the end part of the shake.
I thought the freemasons were a whites only organization?
Only secret handshake I ever learned was from hispanic musicians that interlocked the fingers during the handshake. Not gonna lie that shit felt special to young me lol.