Q is 100% not any official arm of the United States Military. Now, I did not say that Q was not "A" Military Force or possible unofficial Military unit.
However, there is no way in hell that the people behind Q are assigned to any numbered military command. It's just not possible, there are WAY too many connection points throughout the processes for this group to be a US Military Conventional Force.
Now, who COULD Q be, if not the traditional US Military?
A group of retired military with connections to private armed forces?
An unofficial Paramilitary unit that contracts to the US Military?
Some other nations Military? Some above Top Secret JOINT FORCES/Multi National Force that reports to SPECIFC people and is NOT part of the US Government?
An ALIEN Military? Galactic Federation of Light Navy?
I just want to share my opinion, because I've been seeing so many people with the wrong idea. The 82nd Airborne, 10th Mountain, Marine Corp and Delta Force are NOT going to be dropping in on the US Capitol or anywhere for that matter and making arrests and surrounding President Trump as he is escorted back into power.
I wish it would happen, but it won't because the people that could make that happen are 50-60 year old 4 star generals with 6 figure pensions and 30 years of investment into those pensions. These old guys are not going to risk themselves for President Trump, just won't happen.
The fact that Q's story is that the MILITARY contacted Trump to run for President, so they could do it the legal way... I mean, if that were so, even if that were the case... THOSE GENERALS that brought Trump into the movement to run for POTUS, they are not even in charge anymore. General Dunford was the Chairman of the JCS and General Milley replaced him in 2019.
I dunno, I would love nothing more than a big BOOM we gotcha but guys, it isn't gonna be coming from the conventional forces. We need to look honestly, not with rose colored lenses and find the truth.
Dear OP,
First, please accept my gratitude for the freedom provided by THOUSANDS of underappreciated, uniformed and armed personnel like yourself - who go into harm's way for our Constitution and for bleating sheeple like me. THANK YOU! And THANK YOU for your service! I am inadequate to properly acknowledge what you all have done - and continue to do - for US and for FREEDOM!
Then, with all due respect: as you well know, this is not ABOUT Donald J. Trump - even as much as I love him - nor is this about war-fighters or secret ops behind the scenes. I'm guessing that you just didn't say some of what was on your mind.
We agree that our Military cannot be our "deus ex machina" and, deriving from that, what I believe this whole Q movement is about is US - doing what we shoulda/coulda been doing all along. You seem to be just trying to get us to acknowledge that the BALL IS IN OUR COURT!! Any doing that gets done will have to be DONE, by US! Q just called us to WAKE US UP!
On the other hand, we NEED our beloved D.J.T. for LEADERSHIP and we need every OTHER MAGA oriented politico and dog catcher to step up and LEAD! ALL OF US who treasure our Constitution and our way of life are going to have to REPRESENT and put on the line our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor - down to our last breath and our last drops of blood! The world-wide cabal will NOT give up easily! This infection of evil will require a LONG struggle - and bitter - and the battle is SPIRITUAL! MUCH of the change will have to happen in the hearts of PEOPLE!
It seems like I'm seeing more so, Every DAY, I give thanks to the Good Lord for the leaders that are showing up! To paraphrase Christ Jesus, "the fields are ripe for harvest! PLEAD to God that we may have more LEADERS to guide and inspire the harvest that more may be red-pilled!!"
So, I'm asking of you the same thing I'm asking of myself. Please go - every DAY - to God Eternal in Christ and ask HIM: "Lord, show me how I can best help fight this war! Lord, this is YOUR world! Show me how to do what you need ME to do as part of YOUR reclamation!" Don't stop bugging your Heavenly Father (I'm persistent) until He has you ENGAGED (as if you need something else to do) in the establishment of HIS Kingdom and the DEATH of the world-wide cabal of evil, human-traffickers and drug purveyors (hear that, Big Pharma?)
And THANK YOU for being here and for your post! MAGA!