I got my friend to ask his mom(which is a nurse) for a covid test. There are videos claiming it is comprised of nano particles / magleons. So far my friend has found that the covid test is not cotton. To him it seems like polyurethane. As soon as i hangout with him i will be documenting everything about it. Pics and all and itll come straight from a fellow fren. He also said he will buy a microscope to do further research on it. I cant wait to share this with you guys
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This funny comment caught my eye as I could not find an answer online and was literally reading about this/who a couple of days ago. I currently have ...
"... classified directory for English-speaking businesses THAT provide products and services ..."
BUT I felt that a self employed business might be considered a WHO?
"... classified directory for English-speaking businesses WHO provide products and services ..."
I use the free version of scibbens as a basic check any thoughts on automated software checks? Worth upgrading?
Cheers from fellow pedantic!