It struck me as odd, as here in England there was a very quick announcement saying that the current programme was being interrupted so that 'we can go to the Presidential inauguration, which is starting now' or words to that effect.
This was BBC 1, which is the main channel in the UK, not a hidden away down the list kind of place.
The BBC always make such a fuss about these things it did not sound right that they would have got their timings wrong?
TBF I can not vouch for Spain, other than some my Twit followers who volunteered the info after I mentioned the BBC scrambling to broadcast the Bidan thing earlier than scheduled.
Apols, I do not intentionally post "unproven claims", just trying to add pieces to the jigsaw.
The BBC very rarely slip-up, timings wise, remember the premature announcement of the collapse of Building 7 whilst it was still standing behind the journalist' who had announced it had fallen?
And TV in Spain aired it 1 hour before it happened in DC.
I've heard this, but never seen evidence of it.
Last name rhymes with Ward?
It struck me as odd, as here in England there was a very quick announcement saying that the current programme was being interrupted so that 'we can go to the Presidential inauguration, which is starting now' or words to that effect.
This was BBC 1, which is the main channel in the UK, not a hidden away down the list kind of place.
The BBC always make such a fuss about these things it did not sound right that they would have got their timings wrong?
TBF I can not vouch for Spain, other than some my Twit followers who volunteered the info after I mentioned the BBC scrambling to broadcast the Bidan thing earlier than scheduled.
Apols, I do not intentionally post "unproven claims", just trying to add pieces to the jigsaw.
The BBC very rarely slip-up, timings wise, remember the premature announcement of the collapse of Building 7 whilst it was still standing behind the journalist' who had announced it had fallen?