You are hearing and assuming things. I've got the experience. Mitt shouldn't be excommunicated because he's a dirty politician or a sell out, he should just be voted out.
Excommunication isn't a weapon to use against your enemies, it is in reality a blessing to them.
Bullshit. Total bullshit. There are certain questions that are asked of LDS folk and certain promises that are made in their quest to follow Christ. When you break all of these promises or covenants and act in direct violation of the doctrine of Christ and are aligned and support anti-Christ agendas and organizations then your membership is forfeit. This has been explained in detail and there are stake presidents and some general authorities that also will tell you this. A storm is coming and romney is going to either hell for sure or outer darkness.
Do people get excommunicated by request? Interesting.
As far as I'm told, hearings are held based on request and evidence, sure. There is MORE than enough there to get the fucker out.
You are hearing and assuming things. I've got the experience. Mitt shouldn't be excommunicated because he's a dirty politician or a sell out, he should just be voted out.
Excommunication isn't a weapon to use against your enemies, it is in reality a blessing to them.
Bullshit. Total bullshit. There are certain questions that are asked of LDS folk and certain promises that are made in their quest to follow Christ. When you break all of these promises or covenants and act in direct violation of the doctrine of Christ and are aligned and support anti-Christ agendas and organizations then your membership is forfeit. This has been explained in detail and there are stake presidents and some general authorities that also will tell you this. A storm is coming and romney is going to either hell for sure or outer darkness.
It sounds like you hear a lot of stuff about Mormons but lack your own experience. Respectfully.