My grandson is being taught cursive in his school but he has been moved back to printing because his cursive letters look so bad. My daughter and and I have very nice handwriting , but my sons both look like a kid just learning. I Used to have to read physicians hand writings and I could , but I can't read my son's.
My 12 year old grandson has writing that looks like a retards did in my day. We spent hours practicing cursive. It was the mark of an educated person.
When you think about the one room school houses for farm children and all they taught the kids it just boggles the mind.
Even my 20 year old can't add up in her head, she immediately starts putting the sum in her phone and I tell her the answer before she can finish.
My grandson is being taught cursive in his school but he has been moved back to printing because his cursive letters look so bad. My daughter and and I have very nice handwriting , but my sons both look like a kid just learning. I Used to have to read physicians hand writings and I could , but I can't read my son's.