In South Georgia. It is looking a whole lot like GAW all of a sudden. Wow!
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I spent a lot of time one day this week trying to wake up the virus-fearful to the uselessness of masks and all I got for my efforts was a bunch of shaming and name calling (this was on one of those news-feed posts, meaning people from all. over) so I think the waking up process of people on FB is hit and miss, but I'm glad your experience demonstrates a positive outcome.
I pointed out to a bunch of them how odd it is that they consider themselves to be so caring and concerned for others (demonstrated by their mask-wearing) yet they think shaming and name-calling is acceptable behavior. That was the end of their feedback to me.
Wow! I respect you and absolutely love what you people do to help in others worst times! From experience with losing my dad! And at the same time the inexperience of losing my Dad was very very dramatic, the people with hospic are angels in my opinion... thank you,
st time in months by Jfredpillforever ▲ Wow! I respect you and absolutely love what you people do to help in others worst times! From experience with losing my dad! And at the same time the inexperience of losing my Dad was very very dramatic, the people with hospic are angels in my opinion... thank you,