posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +27 / -0

The Light of this Truth WILL BE INTENSE like the summer Sun at high noon for those NPC's who tried to hide from it. The Haters and the Complacent, those who fell asleep long ago in front of screens and are now the Walking Dead. Wakey, Wakey will not work with 6 - 10% of the population so we are told. The Truth will not BE for everyone as Q told us.

If you know someone who fits the above demographic even family members as I do, try to wake them. Gently. With Love.

Weiner's Laptop did not go away.

In the following video, the man in the end clip is speculated to be Jeffery Epstein. Does it matter? No. It is time, my brothers and sisters to end this. WWG1WGA
